the people tree online magazine
Paper Boat Ahoy!
At Paper Boat we solicit contributions from you in the form of articles, stories, poetry, photos, artworks, comix and cartoons, announcements, etc.
Unfortunately, due to various reasons, we haven't been able to activate this part of the
website much as we would like to. Though, the amazing thing is that regardless of
this people have been contributing stuff regularly.

This is very inspiring and has sometimes led to some great collaborations like, for instance,
a t-shirt design which evolved with the participation of 2 young women who contacted
the website.
So, we really would like to keep receiving the wonderful poems, articles,
plays, art works, photographs and other creative inputs that have been coming in.
Hopefully they'll lead to some more collaborations in the future. …and one day soon
we will put them up on this section of the website.

Thank you !

Click on any of the items above for a preview, click here to send in your contribution, or on the icon below to return to the People Tree Online home page.

Home sweet home